Indian Interfaith Interviews Trilogy: Mr. Singh and his wife, Nikki

Marshall Erling
8 min readApr 11, 2020

The third and final episode in a series of Indian interfaith interviews

This is a transcribed interview with Mr. Rajkumar Singh, from a Hindu family, and his wife Mrs. Nikki, from a Christian household.

Q: How did the two of you meet?

Rajkumar: In college. We were in the same college.

Oh god, this is so hard to tell. It remains emotional even after so many years. It happened like this.

I was the president of the college union at that time. We were both involved in protesting something on that day. Things got out of control and she had gotten trapped between us and the police. As the situation suddenly escalated, I jumped out to protect her from immediate danger. It all happened before I even realized what I had done, but I had succeeded in getting her out of that mess.

That’s the first time I first laid my eyes on her. That is when I saw her tears, and the sight of them just ripped out my heart.

Right after that, I offered her a ride home on the back of my motorcycle. As I dropped her at home, it was clear I had also dropped my heart off and left it with her.

The very next day in college as I was waiting when she came and thanked me.



Marshall Erling

Life through an intercultural lens, married in India twenty-four years ago.